Monday, November 21, 2011

A Birthday Week

God has sure blessed us with another year of love from and for our Gran!!  We celebrated her birthday in style last week!  I dressed up, Myla dressed up and we headed to Gran's house for a ROYAL EVENT!  I took Gran a special Birthday Princess Crown that I instructed her was to wear all day long!!!  AND SHE DID!!!!

Also last week, we got to celebrate Grandma Donna's birthday!  Unfortunately Myla was sick and so she had to stay home with mommy so she could sleep, sleep, sleep, but me and daddy went to party with Grandma!  Again, God has blessed us with a wonderful grandma who we love so much!!  We know she loves us so very much, too!  When mommy asked what to write about Grandma Donna's birthday on the blog (since she is my secretary and she didn't get to go to the party), I told her to write that "we had a fun party that was not ridiculous and we had CAKE that was so good."    
Yes, we are blessed beyond belief and are so thankful for all our grandparents, especially these two on their special days!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Despise Peas (and Other News from Myla)

I am officially 6 months old now.  I am officially 19 pounds, 29 inches long and have officially had 5 shots at one time (including the flu shot).  I can officially sit up on my own (not for long peroids of time yet, but I am doing fairly well).  I have officially had lots of veggies to eat and I believe my favorites are sweet potatoes and green beans.  I officially cannot stand peas.  No matter how you dress them up, they are just peas and they are just not very good to me.  I have officially started sitting in high chairs in restaurants (McDonalds being my first and Chili's being my second experience).   I have officially had pears and think they are wonderful.  I am looking forward to the many new fruits that I will be trying now.   I am officially finished with my eye drops (after 5 days of having them every 3 hours for an eye infection).  I am officially all over the floor and rarely want to just sit and be held any more!
Yes, I am growing up so very fast.  Just like always, my family has been extremely busy this last little bit. Sickness, Upward Cheerleading Registration for Lynley, Gran's birthday,  getting ready for the holidays that are coming...there is so much going on!  In the midst of the craziness Lynley and I have had some beautiful hats made especially for us.  We REALLY like them!!  I like my beanie (and dad says I am ready to go to a poetry reading).  Lynley really likes her winter hat and wants to wear it all around the house.  I'm leaving you with a few pictures so you can see them.
Every day me and my big sister are having so much fun together.  I am the perfect little sis and she is the best ever big sis!!

Monday, November 7, 2011


We had such a great weekend!  Lots of celebrating took place!!  First, I got to bring Boscoe the Bear home from school again.  That was so exciting for me and it started the weekend off just right.  Saturday me and mommy and daddy went to a gala!!  It was my first one ever and I must say I am a fan of all things gala!!
Mommy said we were going to a very special party for church because our church turned 75 years old this weekend!  I thought it would be like most other parties we go to, but I got to put on a beautiful, SPARKLY purple dress and mommy and daddy got dressed up and off we went!  Myla didn't get to go, but she did get so spend the evening with Uncle Lawrence, Aunt Sara and the boys!!
So we got the the fancy party and waited just a few moments to be seated by somebody else all dressed up!  Now, the fancy food I could have done without.  I mean, I like chicken, but not without ketchup...and apparently we can't ask for ketchup at fancy dinners!  The rolls were FABULOUS and the company was great.  We got to sit with the Mahoney family and that was great cause I get to see Amy every tuesday and so I sat between her and mommy.  I also got to go say hello to people at other tables before the program started.  EVERYBODY was just as impressed with my sparkly dress as I was!!!
After dinner we had dessert (that was good) and then a program about our church.  I did a really great job, overall!  Mommy was a bit nervous about me going, but I showed her that I can be a big girl!!
Sunday morning was another big celebration for the church.  The best parts were that I got to eat CAKE for breakfast and that my cousins, Evan and Levi, came to our church!!!  Levi even went to children's church with me!
After church me and mommy and Myla went to ANOTHER CELEBRATION for my cousin Randy and his new wife, Jill.  It was a good lunch (and I got more play time with Levi and Evan)!  I also got to meet some family I've never met before and some that I never see much because they live very far away!
It was a really good day with lots of sugary goodness in the form of cake and cake balls!!  Last night was Kidz Zone and then we came home after a good and long day!  Mommy was pretty tired and Myla was pretty tired...I said I wasn't tired but secretly I really was!!  The only sad part of the day was that daddy had to work and didn't get to go to any of our celebrations.
OH and I have to tell you the other celebratory thing....MYLA TURNED 6 MONTHS OLD ON SATURDAY!!!  And that means that she starts eating food now!!!  So today was a big deal at lunch!  She had her first vegetable.....GREEN BEANS!  I'm not really sure she is a huge fan yet, but I've told her that of ALL THE VEGGIES, Green Beans are definitely the lesser of the evils!!!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Busy Army Crawling

It has been a week since I've updated you and, yet again, it has been a busy week!  First of all, I had my school Halloween party.  It was so much fun and daddy even got to come!!  Then Saturday was a VERY FULL DAY!  Daddy ran his half-marathon and I even got to cheer him on with mommy, Mommy and Grandpa Joe.  The finish line was so close to my house that I was allowed to walk to it with Grandma Donna!  We were all so proud of daddy.  In the afternoon I went with grandma and pa to get ready for fall festival while Myla stayed home with Uncle Adam and Aunt Christy.  I know she had a good time.  I did, too!  Fall Festival was so much fun and I was even able to play with Levi and Evan because they came for a while!
This week has been full of dentist appointments (and I have great teeth), flu shots, trick or treating, children's team meetings, and Myla is army crawling all over the floor!!  Yes it has been full and we are heading into a busy weekend!!!  I hear next week is supposed to be a little bit slower...but just a little bit!  Here are some pictures from our last few days!