Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I Had NO Idea

I had no idea the second day of kindergarten could leave someone so very tired!!!  All the excitement has finally caught up with me and I am exhausted.  All I have to report today is that I went outside twice and some kids in my class cried for their parents.  I didn't cry, but I sure did miss Myla today and was very glad to see her.  My body and my mind both think this early morning stuff isn't as fun as I thought it was yesterday.  My favorite two words of the day were BATH and BED...and I am already in bed and it is not even 8pm.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Today was my first day of kindergarten...AND it is my birthday!  Mommy woke me up (REALLY EARLY) and sang to me.  Myla moved from her bed to the couch and laid there the whole morning.  I had a great breakfast and daddy stopped in from work to see me.  Mommy took my picture and then the three Douglas girls headed to Pleasant View Elementary School!!!  I wasn't a bit nervous and didn't even look back after I got out of the car!
It was a great  day at school!!  I wasn't a bit scared and didn't even look back after leaving the car!  I have two friends from my preschool class who are now in my kindergarten class!  My class got to look for the gingerbread man throughout the school.  We looked and looked and couldn't find him.  Then we found crumbs when we got back to our classroom.  The crumbs lead to the play refrigerator.  We FOUND the gingerbread man and we each got to take a bite of it!!!  It was my FAVORITE part of the day!
Lunch was great, too!  I sat with my class and ate all the food mommy packed for me.  I even told her I need a bigger peanut butter sandwich tomorrow!
Lots of people at school told me, "Happy Birthday!"  My class got to have big chocolate chip cookies for my birthday and I got to blow out a candle on my teacher's big pretend cake!  AND WE HAD RECESS!!  I love the playground and I even got to see more friends from preschool while I was on the playground!
Mommy thought I would be super tired when I came home.  However, as soon as I got in the car I was wound up...and so was Myla.  We have been playing very loudly for over an hour now and we are showing no signs of stopping!!!
The only other thing I remember from today is is what my teacher says when we are supposed to get quiet...
"Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle
put your hands in your lap!"
Mommy and Myla were sad today that I wasn't here, but I am proud to report that mommy only shed a couple of tears when she pulled out of the parking lot and got just a tad teary at the end of the day.  Myla is so tired from the change in her schedule that she is not sure whether she is coming or going, but I know both of them will be just fine!  And being SIX is just great!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Celebrating and the Night Before Kindergarten

Today started off great!  We picked Grandma Dee up and headed to Granny's to celebrate my birthday, Clata's birthday and to have a special morning since this was the last Monday I would be able to go to granny's until Labor Day!!  We had a nice time, though we missed Aunt Ruthie so much!! 
Before we knew it, it was time to head home so mommy could go to a parent meeting with my new teacher.  I stayed home and played with Myla and grandma while mommy went with all the other sad and excited parents to hear about how we will do things in my new class.  Mommy found out that I am going to sit right next to a friend I already know!!  He and I went to Kinder Music together when we were three AND we went to preschool together!
Tonight we had baths, dinner and got everything ready for tomorrow.....the big day!!!  It is an early bed time tonight, but I am very excited about heading to kindergarten in the morning!  My secretary can't write much more tonight, she is too emotional!  I'll let you know how tomorrow goes!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Barbie Bash

Today was round 2 of celebrating my 6th birthday!!  We had a cook out at Grandma Donna and Grandpa Dave's house.  It was so much fun to celebrate my birthday and also just to see everybody because we aren't able to all be together very often!  The food was delicious, the play time in the yard was great, the grown ups seemed to have a good time talking and the cake was the BIGGEST surprise!!  Grandma Donna got me a very special Barbie Cake and didn't even tell me what it was until the big reveal!  I LOVED IT!  There was so much excitement that Myla was asleep as soon as we got on the interstate to head home to Muncie!  I know I am one special young lady to have such a big family that loves me!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Chuck E. Celebration

Believe it or not, I am turning 6 next week!!  This year I really wanted to celebrate at Chuck E. Cheese, so today me and my immediate family went for a Rockin' Good Time!!  It was fabulous and I had such a great day.  What could possibly be better than pizza and cake with my family, 30 seconds in the Ticket Blaster, a Birthday Show featuring me and Chuck E., and 4 hours of games, games, games?  I am so grateful that we were able to be together and celebrate today!!  Here are some pictures!