Tonight was the Princess Ball downtown and it was amazing! The girls have been looking forward to this daddy-daughter-date-night for a while! Both have been on antibiotics for strep throat this week, and we were waiting on pins and needles to see if Lynley would be well enough to go, but EVERYONE felt good for the big night.
This night required some preparation! A trip to the big city to go dress shopping...a trip up the escalator to the girls dresses....two trips to the dressing room where Myla tried on about 20 dresses and Lynley 10...and a daddy and mommy rushing home from work for the big event! Daddy took half a day off of work so he could take the girls to dinner (they picked Applebees). Mommy hurried back home to help with tights and dresses and pictures. And the two Douglas Darlings and Daddy were chauffeured right to the door of the convention center!
The night was fabulous! Both girls played games, entered a coloring contest, met some other princesses, had faces painted, and DANCED with Daddy! Both girls were impressed with the dance moves dad pulled out when he swung them through his legs and back up again. And daddy was impressed with Myla's "Whip and Nae Nae". Neither girl was excited for the night to end, but when mommy picked them up everyone was bouncing off the walls! Mommy asked Myla how her first daddy-daughter night was and Myla yelled, "AWESOME! I KILLED 2 PETER PANS, 1 PIRATE AND TWO BOYS!!" And she was carrying her balloon sword proudly to the car! (Daddy said Myla took her pirate killing skills very seriously!")
The Princess Ball was a complete hit and the girls are already talking about what they will do next year!