Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Memorable Memorial Weekend

My family had a great holiday weekend!  Saturday mommy and me and Myla hung out all day together.  Myla had a belly ache, but we tried our best to keep her entertained so she didn't notice!  Then Saturday night I got to go to Marion with Grandpa Dave and spend the night with him and Grandma Donna.  We had such a blast!  Me and grandpa stayed up ALL NIGHT (11:00pm) and then me and grandma slept in until Uncle Adam called us about 10:30am!!
Mommy and daddy and Myla all came up to Marion for lunch and so did my Aunt Sherry, Uncle Tony and Tyler.  I was the first time Myla got to meet them and I think they loved her just like I do!  We had a great lunch and I even got to play in the yard with Tyler.
Monday I slept in again and then we headed to Granny's house for another lunch!  We had hot dogs that my daddy made on the grill and he did a really good job!  After lunch there was a surprise for me and my cousins!!!  My grandma and pa bought us a water slide with a pool and it was sure fun to play in since it was 90 degrees outside!  Myla stayed inside and slept, but me and Evan and Levi had fun.  I told Myla when she gets older she can do it, too!
After the cook out I went to the cemetery with grandma and pa and watered the flowers at my great grandpa's grave.  I like going out there and helping with keeping the plants watered.  Then I headed home and me and mommy and daddy and Myla went for a walk.  Well, mommy and daddy walked.  I rode my bike and Myla slept some MORE in her stroller. 
To finish out our day I had some apple juice, took a much needed shower and then hit the bed!  It was a great weekend seeing family and making some great memories!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Finding My Voice - Myla's First Post

Dear Readers,
Today I am 3 weeks old and so I think this is the perfect opportunity to officially introduce myself. I've been taking this last few weeks trying to figure things out. I think I will just share some things with you that I've already learned:
1. My name is Myla Joy, at least that is the name everybody keeps saying while talking to me.
2. There are sure lots of people who love me and want to cuddle with me.
3. Sleep is a GOOD thing. Especially sleep in my swing and car seat and bouncy seat. Sleep laying on my back I do not like (but my parents keep trying new things to make me do it). Also, sleep during the day is fun...staying up a lot at night is EVEN MORE FUN!
4. I'm told I have a "sweet temperament." NO idea what that means, but maybe it is a good thing?
5. A hot bath is amazing!! It is so calming and I could lay in it forever. However, when the water gets cool I am not as calm.
6. I like singing...I don't really sing myself yet, but my daddy and mommy and sister and grandma sing to me and I enjoy it so.
7. I detest diaper changes!
8. Big sis has lots to teach me. She loves to kiss me and hug me and sing to me and talk to me. She also likes to tell me the difference between a circle and an octagon?!? I can tell we are going to be best of friends.

It may not seem like much to some, but so far these are the things I am sure of. I still have lots to figure out, but I am looking forward to doing it.
So for tonight I will say that it is very nice to meet each of you and I hope we can talk soon!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Family Time

Well the last few days mommy and daddy have basically been taking turns sleeping for a couple of hours throughout the day.  My little sister has had a stuffy nose and it is finally starting to get better... so that means mommy and daddy say it is time for her to sleep laying down again.  Because of that, they aren't getting much sleep at night!  Myla doesn't really like to sleep on her back.  She really likes sitting up a bit, like in her car seat or in her swing.  So she falls asleep, mommy lays her down and then about an hour later (if we're lucky it is an hour) she is back up again. 
So when mommy and daddy aren't trying to sleep and when daddy isn't working and when mommy isn't figuring out what the baby wants, we've been going on walks and going to the park together...just to have a little family time.  It has been lots of fun and I think Myla even likes it because she loves to sleep in the stroller and I love to show everybody we see on the road my new baby sister!

Monday, May 23, 2011

For Aunt Emily...and Everyone Else

My Aunt Emily is way down in Texas and so she hasn't been able to see Myla just yet.  So today Myla wore an outfit that was especially from Aunt Emily.  Here we are together, me and my little sister...and the first pictures are especially for Aunt Emily (and we hope everybody else likes them, too).

(Apparently ALL THE AUNTS love my little sister because this outfit is from Aunt Ruthie and it says that she and Myla are BFF's, too!!)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hard Work

Boy, a baby sure is a lot of work!  Especially when 3/4 of the family is battling the creeping crud!!  However, even with me and Myla AND daddy feeling puny, we have had time for a bit of fun, a lot of smiles, and a ton of hands on big sister work!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Can You Tell?

Do you know who is who????

Do you think me and my little sister look similar??  (Hint: Big Sis is the 2nd picture.)

Friday, May 13, 2011

BIG is an Understatement!

To say that the last 7 days have been BIG is really quite the understatement of the century. After MONTHS (that seemed like YEARS) of talking about a baby sister, one finally showed up!!! MY baby sister finally showed up. And I cannot tell you a lie, there have been some pretty big changes in the Douglas house!! They really haven't been bad, but we have been super busy.
I don't really think I fully understood what being a big sister was going to mean. I have been helping get diapers and wipes for my mommy and daddy. I've been singing songs to Myla when she is upset that my parents aren't getting her fed fast enough. I've been picking out what outfits she is going to wear for the day. I've been checking on her when she is sleeping in the living room and she makes a noise. I've been trying to get her to play with toys I pick out for her. I've been putting teething rings in the fridge to make them cold (I know she doesn't need them yet, but I'm getting them ready). I've been holding her. I've been just VERY BUSY!!!
Now on top of all of that, I've also just had my last day of school today AND I've been playing at the park and seeing baby chicks with my cousins (Levi and Evan), and spending time with lots of family!!!
I really love, love, love being a big sister and I really love, love, love Myla. This whole sister thing is just AMAZING and I can't wait to tell you even more about it! It has only been 7 days and I am already thinking long term about all the fun stuff I'm gonna show Myla when she gets a little older!!