Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Things have really been changing in the Douglas household. First of all, I would like to introduce you to my new Baby Sister! Her name is Myla Joy and she was born last Thursday morning at 1:55AM!!! So, in case you haven't counted lately, that means there are now THREE ladies and ONE gentleman in our family. Yes, the girls are way outnumbering the boys at this point.
Since Myla has joined us, I've decided maybe we should have a new blog. That way me and Myla can both take turns telling you about the adventures in the Douglas house..and maybe we'll let mommy and daddy get a few words in sometimes, too!
So for now....let me introduce you to Myla Joy AND to the Douglas Darlings!

1 comment:

  1. Love my little GRAND girls! love you BIG, grandma
