Thursday, December 15, 2011

Precious on Many Levels

When in the midst of tantrums and stubbornness, it is important to cling to the precious conversations like the one we had tonight.

Lynley:  Mom, where are you guys going?

Mommy: Daddy is a deacon, so we are going to the deacon Christmas dinner for church.

Lynley: A what?

Mommy: A deacon.

Lynley:  I thought daddy was a Douglas.

Mommy: Yes, daddy is a Douglas.  But one of his jobs is to be a deacon for the church.  You know how some people are teachers and some people are preachers?  Those are jobs that they have and one of daddy's jobs is to be a deacon and help the people at church.

Lynley: You know what my job is?  I'm a missionary because I told Peyton about Jesus.  And I told Palmer about Him, too.

Yes, there are tantrums and there is a whole new level of stubbornness that this mommy didn't know was possible, but there is also a tender heart who loves Jesus and who knows that Jesus loves her.  Thank you, Lord, for that heart and for every adult who pours God's love into her each week.  Thank you for giving us these tender moments when we least expect them and exactly when we need them.

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