Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year

There are a few words that might send mommy running for the hills if she hears them anytime soon again.  "It is a virus."  Why does she get a nervous twitch when the V word is mentioned?  Because we have had sickness in our house for a week and a half!!  Two trips to the doctor, lots of clorox wipes and even a carpet shampoo later we feel we might be at the end of our sickness.  It hit everybody in the house, stuck the longest with Lynley and then Myla decided to get into the action!  AND there was no medicine that we could use to make us feel better!
We finally ventured out of the house yesterday for a New Year's Lunch at Grandma Doris and Grandpa Max's house.  We were all feeling pretty good and had a great time!  Then we came home and hung out with Grandpa Dave and Grandma Donna while mommy and daddy went to see a movie. 
Today has been a good day, too!  Myla wasn't up coughing as much last night so she was in a good mood and we decided to put up our new play house.  It has provided loads of fun (and work because we had to decorate) today! 
Now that we are feeling pretty good again, we want to wish you a Happy New Year! 

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