Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Exciting Times

Where do we start??  So much has been happening in the Douglas house!  We've celebrated Grandpa Dave's birthday, started fall/winter swim club, completed lots of 1st grade homework, went on a 1st grade field trip, begun Friday night Family Swim Nights at BSU, RECEIVED LETTERS FROM TINKERBELL!!!!, and MYLA IS USING THE BIG GIRL POTTY!!
Yes, it has been a crazy time!  We sure enjoyed time with Grandpa Dave for his birthday a couple of weekends ago.  It was good to see everybody and we got to end the evening with having smores at Greg and Debbie's house because they had a little fire that evening.
Swim club is going great!  I am really glad to be back in the pool after a month off and my coach is really starting to work on helping me learn to jump off the block and improve my technique.  It is a little more intense than the summer club was and, so far, I am okay with that!  After 4 nights of swimming during the week I still wanted to go to family swim night where I could just play around the pool and NOT have to work on any strokes!  So far we are handling all the swimming, homework and other evening activities and not getting too overwhelmed!
Me an Myla got HUGE surprises last week.  I checked the mailbox after school and there were letters for both of us.  I read the return address and it said, "TINKERBELL!!"  I was so excited I could hardly stand it!  I even woke Myla up from her nap because I wanted to wait on her to open our letters.  Tinkerbell told us she cannot wait for us to come and see her at Disney World in a few short weeks and she told us that she is going to leave us a present in our room every day while we are at the parks!!  Then when we get back to our hotel we can find the gifts!  We are so very excited!!  AND to add to our excitement, we got our MAGIC BANDS in the mail!!!  Me and Myla both have count down posters on our refrigerator that we can mark off every day so we can count the days until Disney!
Last week I had my first field trip this year.  Daddy took the day off and went with me and we had a great time!  We spent the day at Minnetrista learning how to make apple cider, walking through the orchard and learning about apples, and then spending the afternoon with the creepy crawlies!  We learned about ALL kinds of bugs, butterflies, etc.  We learned about pollen and how bees transport it and we learned about how insects communicate and we GOT TO SEE A REAL BAT!  
AND, if that wasn't exciting enough, Myla and mommy have been working really hard on Myla using the big girl bathroom and she is doing pretty great!!  It will be no time and she'll be kissing those pull ups goodbye!  We are all so proud of her!!!
I know I am probably forgetting some things...because it sure seems like more has been going on...but these are the highlights I can remember right now!

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