Monday, December 5, 2016

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Keeping up with the blog this year has not been on our radar as much as we'd like.  There have been some great things happening.  There have been some difficult times.  We've even had some "firsts" that were quite memorable.  We are going to try and catch up over the next few days with pictures and a bit of commentary!  And we will definitely make "Daily Blogs" high on our 2017 resolutions list!! :)
Lynley Got Her Braces Off!

Lynley went to her first ever show at Emens Auditorium.  It was to see Blue Man Group with daddy and mommy.  It was a blast!  She saw a great show, met some of the musicians and left with her first pair of drum sticks.

We took a family trip to the Creation Museum in Kentucky.  We had a great time and one highlight was riding the camel!!!  The petting zoo and botanical gardens were pretty awesome, as well!

Easter 2016

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