Thursday, August 4, 2011

This and That

We've had a good week.  It has been really hectic because daddy has been working tons and the kids from the Academy are moving back in, but it has been good.  I've got a few pictures to share with you and I will just tell one little thing.  We had a "first" happen today.  My parents have been telling me thousands of times to not put anything in my mouth that isn't food.  I really haven't listened much and find if fascinating to put pretty much everything in my mouth.  So today I really liked the beads that were on my dress.  For whatever reason I decided to get one off of my dress and stick it in my mouth.  Well it actually got stuck in between my teeth.  I mean really stuck!  Mommy couldn't get it.  Grandma couldn't get it.  Aunt Sara and even Aunt Lesa couldn't get it.  Mommy had to eventually call Dr. Jeff to see if we could go to his office to get it out.
While mommy was on hold she gave it one more shot.  I think she was so upset with me for sticking it in my mouth that she got super human strength for a few seconds and FINALLY got the bead out of my mouth!  Crisis taken care of and it only resulted in a little cut on my gums.  I guess maybe mommy and daddy know what they are talking about when they say, "Don't put anything in your mouth!!"

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