Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Kickoff

Tonight we are all very tired...but it is a GREAT VERY TIRED! We've kicked off the Christmas celebrating! Friday night Lynley got to spend the night in Marion with Grandma Donna, Grandpa Dave and Aunt Emily! This was a very special treat because Grandma Donna was feeling good enough to have extra company AND Aunt Emily was there! Lots of fun was had!! There was Pirate School, where Lynley was the teacher and she taught how to be a good pirate. There was dancing, there was a movie at the theater with Grandpa Dave and Aunt Emily, there was playing house where Aunt Emily and Lynley were sisters and Grandpa Dave was the butler!! It was awesome! After Myla's nap on Saturday the rest of the crew went to Marion to spend the night! We had a BIG dinner and lots of playing and laughs. Uncle Adam provided the ipad for game playing and Mickey Mouse watching. Myla ran all around the house and went to bed around 9:00pm! Next the grown ups sat and talked while Lynley and Grandpa Dave watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. There was laughing until after 11:00pm and then it was time for bed! The sleeping arrangements bothered Lynley at first because she REALLY WANTED A COMFORTABLE BED (she needed comfort more than the old people), but when Emily pulled out the queen size inflatable bed and put it right in front of the Christmas tree she decided mom and dad could have the bed after all! Early this morning Aunt Emily and Aunt Christy went to pick up Uncle Tim and Irie. Lynley was Super Excited (to say the least). She had been talking about seeing Irie for a very long time. (She was excited to see Uncle Tim, too, but talked most about Irie!!) When everyone was up and back at Grandma's house it was time to see what Santa put in our stockings! (Lynley later wondered how Santa knew to come to Grandma and Grandpa's house early. She decided someone must have called him.) Breakfast and laughs followed stockings and then it was on to present time. Both the girls loved the gifts they got and Lynley especially loved giving Irie the presents she had picked out for him. Each of us feels so blessed by the family we have and the time we were able to spend all together in one place when nobody was in a hurry to have to go anywhere else. Daddy really loved the time and said it reminded him of how he used to go spend the night at Grandpa Si and Grandma Haz's house the night before Christmas. It was always such a fun and special time, a great memory he has from when he was a little boy, and this weekend felt so much like that. Tonight was the Candlelight Service at church. There was lots of singing and remembering the birth of Jesus. Lynley helped Grandma Dee take care of the babies in the nursery while mommy and daddy went to service. Afterwards it was a quick dinner and baking cookies for Santa (and the Conner dinner tomorrow night). Now it is bed time for the girls. Mommy and daddy will stay up and do some super secret Santa's helper stuff and then we will all get some rest and get ready for some more celebrating!

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