Monday, June 8, 2015

A Little More Lynley

We found some more pictures on mommy's phone from some highlights of my 2015 so far.  I had a great Grandparents Night at school at the end of the school year.  Grandma and Pa and Grandma Donna and Grandpa Dave all were able to come meet my teacher, see my classroom and also see me play the rain stick and the xylophone in the music room.  I was really proud to show my room and my desk. 
Right around the same time I also participated in the Kids Marathon through the YMCA.  I took one month and walked/ran/biked/swam 25 miles.  Then on a Saturday morning I went to Ball State with my family and me and daddy finished up the last 1.2 miles, along with all the other kids from Muncie who participated.  There were hundreds of kids there with families.  I walked some and ran some and when we finished I got to enjoy some inflatable games and carnival games with my family.  It was some work, but it was fun and I got a cool metal that I hung up next to all daddy's running metals!  Some of these pics may be a little bit blurry, but we wanted to share them anyway!!

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