Sunday, June 28, 2015

Lake Celebration

This weekend was the first time ever that me and Myla got to go to Big Turkey Lake.  We've heard stories about how daddy would go there every summer when he was growing up and how much he loved going.  We'd heard about the great fish place and taking baths in the lake.  We'd heard about the beach.
Well this weekend we got to check it out for ourselves!  Grandma Donna retired on Friday and Aunt Emily came up from Kentucky, so the whole family (except Uncle Tim and we missed him) went up to the lake for a few days.
We got to have a fire and make smores, go swimming, eat at the fish place two times, go fishing (and I caught a little fish), play card games, color, read and have lots of fun with our family!!  It was a great trip and daddy was so happy to share it with us!!

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