Tuesday, June 28, 2011

S'more Much Fun!

After last week and the yucks that we had in our house, this past weekend and yesterday sure were great days!!  Friday night I got to go with Grandma Donna, Grandpa Dave and Uncle Tony to an Indianapolis Indians game!  It was a little cold, but that did not put a damper on the evening.  I still had all the ball park treats, including nachos and cheese (but NO hot peppers like Uncle Tony)!  And I still had all the ball park fun, including fireworks lit from the field after the game was over!  After the game I went to Marion and spent the night with Grandma Donna and Grandpa Dave.
Saturday I spent most of the day with my grandparents and then met up with my parents at a truck stop in between Marion and Muncie.  I was excited to tell mommy and daddy all about my night as we drove back to Muncie.  They told me that Myla made her first ever long car trip on Saturday, too!  She went to Edinburgh with mommy and daddy.  That is a place with LOT OF STORES called an Outlet Mall.  Mommy and daddy said she did an AWESOME JOB the whole time!  We made a quick stop at Kohl's and then I went to Aunt Ruthie's house!
We all visited together for a little bit (Grandma and Pa even stopped by) and then everybody left and me and Aunt Ruthie were headed to get ice cream.  We decided to stop and pick up Aunt Clata, too.  The three of us went to Baskin Robbins for some sugary goodness!
I finally made it home for bath time and bed time!!!  I still had enough energy to take my shower AND help with Myla's bath.  She really does enjoy her bath time now.  I really enjoy watching her and helping mommy wipe off the soap from her arms, hands and head.
Sunday morning we slept in a little bit and then went to church.  I had a great time in class and then we had a BIG PICNIC!  There was lots eating and then lots of playing with the other kids.  For some reason there were lots of boys playing out there but not a lot of girls.  I did a great job trying to keep up with everybody else.  I even caught the football once and threw it to another kid.  Daddy came out and played with me some, too.  That was really special.
After the picnic we came  home to relax a few minutes because the sun really drained me and daddy.  Mommy and Myla were okay because they sat under the shelter house and talked with other people most of the time.  We jumped back in the car to do some errands, have dinner with Grandma and Pa at Steak n' Shake, get some custard from the custard shop, run to the store and then head home!  We went for a walk and then headed to the park for some more fun time!  I met a new friend at the park.  I don't remember her name, but we played for a really long time and I didn't get home until bath and bed time, again!
Monday I was so excited when I woke up because I was FINALLY GETTING TO SEE MY COUSINS!  I was ready to head to Gran's house as soon as I woke up and talked all the way there about seeing Levi and Evan!  Evan got there soon after I did and we hugged LOTS and played LOTS while Levi went to the doctor.  We were sharing raisins and talking and playing when we noticed that Aunt Sara's car was back!  YEAH, LEVI WAS THERE!!!!
The three of us had a good time.  Levi stayed on the couch and watched lots of movies and I made sure to stay close to him a lot of the time.  When it was my turn to pick a movie I even picked one that I thought Levi would like.  We had a great time together.  Mommy says me and Evan are two peas in a pod, whatever that means!  We certainly know how to find ADVENTURE together!!!  He even became very distraught when I got a time out.  He came and sat with me even though he wasn't in trouble and he hugged me to make sure I was okay.  Myla had fun, too!  She got held by lots of people and she even received her first every baby doll from Uncle Bob.
I was not really happy when it was time to leave Gran's house.  I wanted to stay with my cousins.  But we stopped home to pick up daddy and then head the store.  Me and daddy did the grocery shopping while mommy and Myla went to church so mommy could have a meeting.  I did a great job at the store and so when we all got home my parents decided it was time to make s'mores for the first time!
I was super excited.   We were going to make them outside, but that didn't work out...so we got out our s'more maker ( I didn't even know we had one...my parents have been holding out on me)!  I LOVED THE S'MORES!!!!!!  It was a great way to end a great day!
Oh, I forgot to tell you that Myla has been sleeping in our bedroom for two nights now.  The first night was kind of rough on her and mommy.  They didn't get much sleep, but the upside is that mommy got lots of house work done!!!  BUT last night was much better.  Myla slept for 5 hours in her bed.  She got up for daddy to feed her and then she slept again until about 7:00am.  I am very proud of her for sleeping in our room and even sleeping on her back (because she really doesn't like to do that)!
I told you it was a great weekend!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

What A Week

People, it has been a week!  We started out Monday with me having a virus.  I won't give you details, but I will tell you that by Tuesday I was saying, "please don't let me throw up," every time my stomach hurt!  So Monday and some of Tuesday I was not my normal self.  I had lots of cuddle time with mommy and spent lots of time in our bathroom, but by Tuesday afternoon I was feeling so much better.  Thank goodness the virus was the 24 hour kind!!!
By the time I was feeling better my baby sister was feeling yucky.  It was a little different for her, though.  I don't know if she had what I had, but she had lots and lots of dirty diapers and she CRIED TONS!  She didn't sleep much at all during the night (at least that is what mommy said because I slept right through the whole thing) and the day time was just the same.
THANK GOODNESS by late Wednesday night she was doing better.  She was doing so much better that she slept for SEVEN HOURS STRAIGHT!!!  It was heavenly for my parents because they actually got to sleep for a few hours without getting up.  And I don't want to jinx it for them, but my sister slept seven hours AGAIN LAST NIGHT!!!  Before you know it, mommy and daddy are going to feel human again...but, like I said, I don't want to jinx it!  So keep it on the down low, please!
After a rough week we did have some company last night.  Uncle Patrick came over for dinner.  He hadn't been at my house in AGES and we all had spaghetti after I got back from dance class.  I entertained Patrick and showed him all kinds of dress up clothes, books and toys.  It was a good evening!
Today is going to be awesome!  I spent some time with just me and mommy this morning while Myla slept and then when she got up I helped give her a bath.  After her bath I got dressed and now I am waiting a little impatiently because I get to go with Grandma in just a few minutes to see a movie!  I got to pick it out and it was a hard choice because there are 7 movies I want to see.  Mommy has said, "No," to a couple of them but she did say I could go see Mr. Popper's Penguins!  So we are going this afternoon.  I also want to see Cars 2, but I really want to see it with my cousin Levi, so maybe next week after he sees it with his mommy and daddy we can go or something.  Mommy says we'll see what happens.
After the movie I get to meet up with Grandma Donna and I am going to spend the night with her and Grandpa Dave!  It is shaping up to be an awesome weekend after a long week at our house!  I am so excited about the next few days!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Dear Daddy,

Happy Father's Day!  You are the best daddy we could ever have.  You are funny, awesome, cool, wonderful and we love you so much.  Thank You for taking care of us, playing with us, working hard so mommy can stay home with us during the day, and hanging in there with us EVEN WHEN YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY ESTROGEN!  Thank you for taking us to church and teaching us about Jesus.  Thank you for teaching us how important it is to talk to God and remember that He is watching us.  Thank you for teaching us that family is very important and that it means so much when we say, "I Love You."  Thank you for making cd's of our favorite music for the car and for our bedroom so we can sing along.  We are so glad you aren't a daddy who refuses to watch Disney Channel with his children and we love that you know the words to all the theme songs of our cartoons.  Thank you for going on walks with us, taking us to the park and playing on the equipment even when you are really too tall to be comfortable on it, and going to the library with us.  Thank you for being brave and taking us places (like Wal Mart) when mommy thinks we can't handle it.  Thank you for making the best hot dogs on the grill and the best chocolate cupcakes.  Thank you for playing "Dancing with the Stars" with us and making us feel like the most important, beautiful little girls on the planet.  We (and mommy) are TRULY THE MOST BLESSED LADIES EVER!  You are sure going to make it hard for young men some day (A LONG TIME FROM NOW) because they are going to have to go a long way to treat us as well as you do.
Your adoring, crazy, funny, sweet, (did we mention funny?) girls.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lights, Camera....TAP!

We have two VERY noteworthy things to tell you about today!  First of all, last night was my first ever big performance!!  I was on the stage of Emens Auditorium.  I might point out that I am three years old and already have been on the big stage.  My parents have only been on that stage to receive diplomas and they were MUCH older!!
Anyway, I went to the beauty shop to get my hair washed and put up for my show.  Then we stopped and had the dinner of champions, McDonald's (maybe I should say the dinner of those in a big hurry)!  I came home and mommy got my makeup on so we could head out the door to find parking at the venue.  Uncle Lawrence, Aunt Sara and the boys came over to watch Myla for the evening.  For a minute I thought about staying home and playing with my cousins, but I decided I'd better go dance instead.  We were so glad Lawrence and Sara could come watch Myla.  I told everybody that she would have been crying through the whole show if she would have gone with us!!  I was so proud of mommy because she really hasn't left Myla before and she wasn't the slightest bit worried or nervous about it.  I think it is because Levi and Evan were in charge.  I knew they would do an EXCELLENT job with my baby sister!
Daddy dropped me and mommy off at the door of the auditorium and he went to park.  I was sooo excited when we gave the man our tickets and went to find our seats.  We saw some of my family before I had to go get ready.  Aunt Clata and Uncle Bob brought me a present to open.  It was a beautiful necklace with a star on it and Uncle Bob said I got it because I'm a star!  I put my necklace right on and wore it the whole night!
Me and mommy headed downstairs to the dressing rooms to get ready.  They were PACKED full of girls getting make up done, putting on beautiful costumes, and spraying hair with mega-hold hairspray!  We found a spot with 2 chairs at the mirrors and I got my clothes changed.
Once my costume was on I didn't have long to wait!  Mommy gave me a pink carnation flower for good luck and we headed backstage.  Daddy came back to take a few pictures and then I had to get in my line.  Mommy and daddy went out in the auditorium to watch me and I did a great job listening to my teachers while I was waiting.
Before I knew it, I was on stage and performing "Singin' in the Rain!"  I did the best I've ever done and I loved it!!  It was so fast and over before I knew it!!  I smiled, I shined and when I walked off the stage mommy was there.  I had big smiles for her and told her I did just what I was supposed to do.  She said everybody was so proud of me and we went back to the dressing room.  When I got there mommy had a BIG BOUQUET of flowers for me that daddy and her got me for doing a great job!  I loved them and carried them upstairs to my seat after I got my other clothes back on!
It was a great program and I told mommy after it was all over that some day I want to be one of the big girls on their tip toes!
After the program I went to McDonald's (yes, two times in one day) to celebrate Father's Day with Grandpa Dave.  I gave him a present and we all laughed and had a good time for a little bit.  We couldn't stay a really long time because Myla was asleep and she needed to get home (mommy and daddy went to pick her up after the program).  It was a fine time and I was really tired when all was said and done!
I know not everybody could come see me and that was just fine, but I sure do want to write down here who was able to make it so when I'm old and reading this again I will remember!  Here is the list: Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Pa, Grandpa Joe, Grammy, G.G. Mary, Granny Conner, Uncle Adam, Christy, Aunt Ruthie, Aunt Clata, Uncle Bob, Grandpa Dave, Grandma Donna, Uncle Jeffy and Aunt Lesa!  AND Levi and Evan (and Sara and Lawrence) were Myla's FIRST BABYSITTERS!!!  What a big night!!

OH AND I DON'T WANT TO FORGET to tell you that my baby sister slept in her big girl bed (her own crib) in our bedroom for the first time ever Thursday night!!  I think it was in honor of her 6 week birthday!  She did a great job and only got up 2 times to eat (like normal).  She did an awesome job and didn't even wake me up!!!  YEAH MYLA!!!

Here are a few pictures from my program!

Friday, June 17, 2011

What is a "Crush?"

Last night was a fun night for me! I got to finish up the VBS week at First Pres and it was especially great because I got to give my new pal, Joe, a hug at the end of the night. Have I told you about Joe? Well we called him Panda Joe for the week, but he is this older guy (like in high school or college or something) who did the motions with us for all the songs at VBS. I really liked Joe and I made it a point to sit with him all the time, talk to him and follow him around whenever possible. He was really nice to me, too. I told mommy last night that I would get his phone number so we can call him and ask him to come to our house sometimes. I EVEN said I would clean my toys up so he wouldn't trip over them.
Well every night after the first night he sat with my preschool class and I made sure to be right next to him, even if that meant getting up and moving. And did I mention that last night was the absolute best because I got a hug at the end???
When it was time to leave I wanted mommy to go meet him, but she said we needed to leave because her and daddy had a big surprise for me! We went to play miniature golf and it was so fun!! Me and daddy played for a while and mommy carried Myla around and then daddy carried Myla so mommy could play with me some, too.
I was really good at golf. The only thing is I wanted to keep picking up the ball and putting it where I wanted it! AND mommy had to fish my ball out of the water once, but it was so fun. At the end of golf we walked over and ate some custard from the ice cream shop.
It was such a good night and we all had a great time!! Check out my pictures...and don't miss the picture daddy got of Joe!!!