Monday, April 23, 2012

Who Knew...I LOVE T- Ball

Today was my first t-ball practice.  I have got to tell you that I was super excited a couple of months ago when mommy signed me up, but then I decided that I really didn't want to do it.  Sometimes I would think it might be okay, but lots of times I've told mommy and daddy that I really didn't want to do it.
Well, tonight was the big night.  Me and mommy headed to Selma to the Bluebird Field and I just wasn't really sure.  Mommy said that I had to go try it out since I wanted to sign up.  So I went...and I LOVED IT!  My actual words when it was over were, "Mommy, Thank You for taking me here.  I was wrong.  I really liked playing!"
I met my coach and lots of kids on my team.  We practiced throwing and catching.  My coach told me to step out on my left foot when I throw.  I tried really hard and I know with practice I'll get even better.  We started learning how to hold the bat and, my favorite part, HIT THE BALL!  I did a great job with that.  We did the alligator drill and I told daddy that he will have to help me with that one.  We are supposed to crouch down with our bottoms low and hold one hand down and one up to catch the ball like an alligator.  It is kind of hard for me.  We practiced running the bases.  It was so much fun!!!
I am so excited now that I told mommy I need to get a pink helmet with my name on it and a pink bat!  Oh, and I told her I need shoes that match my outfit!!  (Mommy says I need to call it my uniform...but I like outfit better.)
Yes, Sir, I LOVE T-Ball!!!  (And Mommy loved watching it!  She says it is worth the price of admission!!)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Uncle Adam's Birthday

Our family was all smiles today!  We went to church this morning and then headed to Marion to celebrate Uncle Adam's birthday!  We had a great time (but we missed Aunt Emily and Uncle Tim) with lots of laughs.  Even Myla got in on the action!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Eight Thumbs Up

After a long week we decided to have some real fun!  We headed to the Ball State Late Nite  Carnival tonight!  It was so much fun.  Myla hung out in her stroller a lot, daddy and mommy took turns riding the rides with me!  I rode the bumper cars, which I love.  I rode the Scrambler for the first time and it was so much fun!!!  I wish mommy could have gotten some pictures of my face on that one...but they came out blurry because we were moving so fast!  I also went down the super slide a few times (all by myself) and rode the ferris wheel with mommy.  I played some carnival games and won some prizes.  We had some popcorn and snow cones.  AND I had my first ever elephant ear!!  I kept calling it "pie" but it was really great, whatever it was called!  The night was a success and we all gave it THUMBS UP!

Monday, April 16, 2012

When It Rains

Yesterday started out like most other Sundays....but it didn't end that way!  Big sister left Kidz Zone throwing up, daddy had to leave work because he wasn't well and so mommy and big sis stayed in the living room all night so big sis could get sick and momma could be there.  Today, big sis laid around and didn't eat...but throwing up stopped at 7am, so that is good.  Little sis seemed happy all day but she had some tummy troubles, too.  Daddy didn't go to work, again.  He slept most of the day and is feeling a bit better tonight.  Woo Wee....some nasty little bug is really going around!!  Here is hoping that each of the Douglas family members feel MUCH better tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Darling Vacation - Part 4 (Wrapping It Up)

Thursday night, in the middle of the night, mommy discovered that she had the yucky tummy sickness that I had earlier!!  She felt so yucky that Friday was a big blur!  She tried to help daddy pack us up.  Somehow, with the help of our family, we got everything in the cars, I rode with Lawrence and Sara and mommy slept in the car most of the day.  Even when we all stopped for lunch, mommy stayed in the car covered up with a blanket!
We drove and drove and eventually all the cars went different ways, so I got back with my parents to finish up our trip.  About 6pm we pulled into the garage of our hotel across from Cincinnati.  It was time for part 2 of our week long adventure!  We were going to Opening Night for the Reds with Grandpa Dave and Grandma Donna!
Friday night mommy laid on the couch while me and daddy and Myla got all situated in our hotel.  I really loved the hotel!!  We got Myla to bed, mommy warm on the couch and then me and daddy headed to the pool for some swim time!!!  It had been a long day of traveling, but there is always time for swimming!!!
Saturday morning we had breakfast at the hotel and then we all went swimming!  Myla loved it and mommy was feeling much better so she had fun, too!  After swimming and lunch we met up with Grandpa Dave and Grandma Donna....they got to stay in the room right next to ours!!!
Myla got a nap and then we headed to the bus for a ride to the ball park!!  We had a great night.  Myla went to her first ever Reds game and she was so good!  She walked around, she sat in laps, she clapped and she took care of Grandpa Dave's radio.  She lasted through the whole game AND she saw her first fireworks show!  We all had a great night!  I loved the popcorn and cotton candy and dancing around.  I also really loved the fireworks!  We ended the night by riding back to the hotel on the bus and heading to bed!
Sunday morning I got to hunt eggs in Grandpa Dave and Grandma Donna's room!  Me and Myla even had Easter bags!!  I had so much fun and really wasn't ready to leave even though it was time.  We packed the cars and decided to head for Muncie.  By this time me and my sister are both seasoned travelers!!  She kept busy with toys and books.  I spent 30 minutes drawing pictures of our trip so we wouldn't forget what we'd done.  Eventually we found our way back home.  I am pretty sure all four of us were so very happy to be home!!  We had a wonderful vacation together and I can't wait to do it again...but maybe not for a little while.  Our own beds are feeling VERY GOOD for now!!