Thursday, September 12, 2013

Q is Married to U

So much has happened in the time since I've last written!  Some great things have happened.  3 weeks of swimming every week night taught me to freestyle and to back stroke and I am really pretty good!  I am getting ready to start swimming back at Ball State this weekend and will continue lessons throughout the semester.  Right now I want to be in the swim club so I am trying really hard to show mommy and daddy I mean serious business about it!  I also got signed up for Girl Scouts this week!  It is actually called "Daisies" for kindergartners and I am super excited about it!!  I lost another tooth, actually I think I've lost two since I last wrote.  This pulling teeth stuff is really pretty easy!  I've done really well on my sight word tests and I am reading books to mommy!  I really love school and am having such a great time with my friends.  Learning is so fun. 
The other day I told mommy, "I am gonna put some pillows around you on the floor because you are going to fall over when I tell you this!  Q is married to U!!!"  Mommy laughed and asked what that means and I told her, "U always comes after Q in words."  She didn't fall on the floor, but I know she was impressed with that bit of information!!!
I had my first ever eye doctor appointment today!  I did a great job.  They took pictures of the inside of my eyes and I got to watch a Veggie Tales movie for part of the exam!!  Dr. Wendi says my eyes look just great!!  I told her going to the eye doctor is kind of like going to the dentist and I really liked it.
Myla is doing really well now that she is in a new routine without me.  She gets up and takes me to school and then many days she gets fried potatoes for breakfast!  She LOVES potatoes!  Getting up at 6:30am is much easier for her now than it used to be, but it is a bit tougher for me!!  She is saying so many new words that I can actually have conversations with her!
We are a tired bunch right now, but we'll try hard to do a better job of keeping you up to date!!