Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tooth #2

Momma is getting good at pulling teeth....maybe she should have thought about becoming a dentist!

I just lost another tooth and here is the proof!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Just Facts and Figures

Myla had a check up recently and we forgot to share all her stats with you!  She is doing just fine meeting all the required milestones the doctor says she should be meeting.  You know the milestones such as, "saying the word no often or refusing to do what you want them to do."  She is REALLY good at using the word, "no!"  She is also doing JUST FINE in the height department at 35 inches long (this is actually off the charts for her age...she is a long baby girl).  She was also 28 pounds. 

I, Lynley, finished up another round of swimming (I can't remember if I told you this)!!  I am super proud of myself because after lots of hard work, I AM MOVING TO LEVEL 2 next semester!!  I passed all my level one requirements!

There you have it!!  Facts and Figures from the Douglas Darlings!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

We Are Thankful!

Here is what our Thanksgiving looked like, and we are so very thankful for our many, many, many blessings!!!!


Monday, November 19, 2012

Gold Stars for Everyone!

All four people in the Douglas household have earned gold stars over the last week.....

Myla survived her first ever x ray!  A chest x ray on an 18 month old isn't the happiest way to spend an afternoon, so we are giving mommy and daddy gold stars, too!  They did the best they could holding hips and arms during the whole process!  The good news is that Myla did NOT have pneumonia and her medicine is starting to take care of the cough she has had for 8 weeks!
Myla also survived her first trip to see Santa!  Lynley always loved Santa, so mommy and daddy thought it was really funny that Myla doesn't really love Santa.....Here is the proof!

Lynley earned some gold stars, too!  She earned a sash and a bracelet at church for her projects in Mission Friends.  She got up in front of the whole church and told what she is learning about South Africa and showed some of the projects she is doing.  She also said a bible verse.  She did a great job!!  AND her other gold star was for LOSING HER FIRST TOOTH!!!  Not only does she have 3 of her 4 six-year molars all the way in, but her bottom baby teeth are all getting ready to come out!!!  The first one came out last night at church!  She was SUPER DUPER excited to wait on the tooth fairy.  And the tooth fairy did come, leaving a whole dollar for her first baby tooth!

Daddy gets a BIG gold star because he braved the hours of waiting to see Santa at Candy Cane Lane with Myla and Lynley ALL BY HIMSELF!  Mommy had to do registration for Upward on Saturday morning and daddy decided the girls would LOVE Candy Cane Lane!  So, they packed up and waited in a very long line to get inside the building.  There were games, snacks, face painting and FREE TOYS from Santa's elves!!  The whole thing took about 3 hours because there were so many people who wanted to enjoy the fun!!  AND DADDY DID THE WHOLE THING....We are ALL impressed with him right now!  He ALSO fixed mommy's computer so we can update the blog!!!  YEAH DADDY!

Mommy's gold star is for holding it together when Dr. Jeff said that Lynley had 3 loose teeth, because she is just sure Lynley is not old enough to be loosing teeth!!!  She also is the one who pulled the tooth after much encouragement from Lynley. 
Last week was a big week, and we know this week will be just as big!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

We're BACK!

It has been a couple of months since we've written.  We have no excuse, though it has been busy.  We've celebrated birthdays, Halloween, taken field trips and even went to see Phineas and Ferb Live.  We've had lots of family time, grown our own pumpkins and some of us have become addicted to french fries (Myla).  The good news is that now we are back and we are POSITIVE that we'll be blogging more!!
Here are some pictures to catch you up...we'll be typing at you again soon!